
Common Conditions Addressed in Pediatric Foot Care

Pediatric foot care is a medical field that prevents, diagnoses, and treats foot issues in children. Like adults, children are susceptible to foot problems. Kids are more active, increasing the chances of developing traumatic-related foot injuries. Since kids’ ankle and foot structures are still developing, this increases the chances of getting growth-related issues. Kids foot care Fort Worth detects and treats foot issues early before your child develops fully to prevent future complications or disability. Pediatric foot care treats many foot problems in children, including:


A flat foot is where the arch of your child’s foot is flat rather than normal curving. It makes your child’s entire foot touch the ground when walking or standing. Flat feet happen in children due to musculoskeletal changes during growth and cause pain or walking difficulties. Custom orthotics, supportive shoes, and physical therapy are the primary treatments for flat feet.

Heel pain

Heel pain in children can result from many factors. Sever’s disease, an inflammation of the heel growth plate is a common cause of heel pain. Too much straining of the Achilles tendon can cause pain at the back of the heel when your child stands, walks, or runs. Over-the-counter medications can help relieve heel pain. But it is crucial you take your child to a podiatrist for effective diagnosis and treatment to prevent further foot damage and chronic pain.


Clubfoot mainly develops in newborns. It causes one or both feet of your infant to appear twisted or blunt. Untreated clubfoot can lead to arthritis, walking difficulties, and lifelong disability. When you note any sign of clubfoot in your child, seek immediate treatment. Stretching, casting, walking exercises, and surgery are the treatment options for clubfoot.

Sports injuries

If your child frequently engages in sports, there are chances the kid will develop overuse injuries. Prolonged training sessions without rest can lead to tendonitis, shin splints, and turf toes in your child. Your child can also get a foot or ankle fracture after a fall or being hit by an athletic tool like a hockey stick.

Ingrown toenails

Ingrown toenails happen when corners of toenails grow into the flesh of the toe. This problem occurs in children due to wearing tight-fitting shoes. Pain, swelling, and redness are the symptoms of ingrown toenails. Sometimes ingrown toenails heal independently, but taking your child to a podiatrist for treatment is essential. If the condition is not treated properly, an infection can occur.

Plantar warts

A plantar wart is where your child develops skin lesions on the foot sole, and tiny black dots form within warts. It results from human papillomavirus (HPV). Your child may experience pain when walking. Medications cannot cure plantar warts, so they must be removed by a medical professional. Ensure your podiatrist is trained and experienced to avoid damage to your child’s nerves and other foot structures.

Pediatric foot care diagnoses foot abnormalities in children for effective treatment to prevent walking difficulties and other issues later in life. If you notice any abnormalities on your child’s feet or your kid has walking difficulties, consult your doctor. Schedule an appointment at Trinity Foot & Ankle Specialists for kid’s foot care services to avoid future complications or disability in your child.

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